mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan

How To Design MLM Compensation Plan ?

Designing a multi-level marketing (MLM) compensation plan is a complex task that requires a thorough understanding of your business goals, the how company want to offer reward, and the legal landscape.

Below are the steps and considerations you should take into account when designing an MLM compensation plan:

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Define Your Goals

Define Your Goals

  • What do you want to achieve with your MLM business?
  • Are you focusing on sales, recruitment, customer retention, or a mix of these?

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Determine the Type of MLM Plan

Determine the Type of MLM Plan

There are various types of MLM compensation plans such as Binary, Matrix, Unilevel, Stair Step, and Hybrid plans. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. You should understand each type and decide the one that aligns best with your business goals.

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Decide on Payout Structure

Decide on Payout Structure

  • Determine how you will reward your distributors. Will it be through a percentage of sales, fixed amounts, bonuses, or a combination?
  • Decide on the number of levels you will pay out. The deeper the levels, the more complex the system becomes.

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Set Clear for Ranking Qualification Criteria

Set Clear for Ranking Qualification Criteria

  • Define clear criteria for promotions and demotions.
  • Decide on sales targets, recruitment targets, or any other metrics that are important for your business.

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Rewards & Bonuses

Rewards & Bonuses

Consider offering fast start bonuses, performance bonuses, car allowances, travel rewards, or any other incentives to motivate your distributors.

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Account for Company Profits

Account for Company Profits

Remember, the goal of any business is profitability. Ensure that your compensation model allows for the company to be profitable.

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Legal Considerations

Legal Considerations

  • Be aware of the laws and regulations concerning MLM businesses in your country and other countries where you operate.
  • Avoid designing a plan that resembles a pyramid scheme. Always ensure that compensation is based on sales of products or services, not solely on recruitment.

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Support & Training

Support & Training

Provide your distributors with the necessary tools, training, and support to be successful in networking business.

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - MLM Software & Technologies

MLM Software & Technologies

Ensure to invest in MLM software to automate commission calculations, track referrals, and manage distributor hierarchies.

mlm system malaysia - How To Design MLM Compensation Plan - Transparency


Make your compensation plan easy to understand and be transparent about how distributors can earn money.

Conclusion :
Lastly, always keep the best interest of your distributors in mind. If they are successful and happy, your business will flourish. If they feel taken advantage of or misled, it can lead to negative word-of-mouth, regulatory scrutiny, and potential legal issues.

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